Nemasys Chafer Grub Killer


SKU: 02-NEMASYS chafer grub killer Category:

Order Now for delivery w/c 7th April 2025

Please note due to production issues an alternative brand may be supplied

What the professional says:

“Use Nemasys® or alternative Chafer Grub Killer to deal with infestation in lawns. Apply when the grubs are near the surface and the soil temperature is above 12ºC (54ºF), as a guide this would be April/May. Do not apply too late in the Autumn since the grubs start to move down deeper in the soil and become inactive until the following spring. However, as this move downwards is temperature dependent, in some years it may still be possible to apply later. Immediately after application, water the grass well, this is vital to ensure the nematodes are washed down through the sward to reach the roots to where the chafer grubs are. Make sure the lawn does not dry out by keeping it well watered after applying nematodes for at least two weeks.”

Reasons to choose Chafer Grub Killer?

  • Chemical Free
  • Children and pets can be allowed on the area immediately after treatment
  • Safe to use on all types of turf

Important notes:

Storage: Nemasys® or alternative Chafer Grub Killer is a perishable, living product, it should be stored in the fridge until it is needed (pop in the fridge as soon as possible, they are fine on the doormat while you are at work)

Use by date: NNemasys® or alternative Chafer Grub Killer must be used before the expiry date (which is marked on the inside of the pack)

Please note: If you treat in April/May we highly recommend that you treat in AGAIN in September.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does Chafer Grub Killer work?

The nematodes (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora) seek out the chafer grub and attack the pest by entering natural body openings. Once inside, they release bacteria that stops the pest from feeding, quickly killing the pest. The nematodes then reproduce inside the dead pest and release a new generation of hungry infective nematodes, which disperse and search for further prey. Maintaining moisture levels extends this reproductive period.

Use by date?
Chafer Grub Killer must be used before the expiry date (which is marked on the inside of the pack). Use entire pack at one time and do not store made up solutions

How to apply?
Nematode products are easy to use. Simply mix the harmless powder with water & apply to the soil around the plant using a WATERING CAN fitted with a rose, we recommend the Hawes Rose no.14 as not all roses are suitable or a hose-end feeder. Avoid applications in bright sunlight, apply during evenings or dull conditions. Make sure the lawn does not dry out after applying nematodes and keep it well watered for at least two weeks. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

Our office

32 Mowbray Gardens

West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 6JN

24 hours / 365 days

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00

Out of hours telephone service

Where we operate

We operate North and South of the River Trent and East towards Newark. Many of our customers are located in: West Bridgford, Radcliffe on Trent, Bingham, Cotgrave, Tollerton, Keyworth, Ruddington and North of the River: Beeston, Chilwell, Wollaton, Bramcote, Nottingham, Mapperley and Arnold.