

SKU: 02-NEMASYSnemaslug Category:

Order Now for delivery w/c 7th April 2025

What the professional says:

“Nemaslug® Slug Killer is the simple solution for slug control in your garden that is safe for children, pets and wildlife. Nemaslug Slug Killer controls all common species of small to medium sized slugs (up to 8cm – 2.5-3 inches). Start your Nemaslug control regime early and you will be able to target the young slugs growing under the ground. Unlike some controls, Nemaslug continues to work well during wet weather – exactly when you need protection against slugs! Nemaslug might affect water snails. To avoid harming them keep the treatment 15 cm (6″) away from ponds.”

Reasons to choose Nemaslug® Slug Killer?

  • Natural organic pest control
  • Can be used in temperature greater than 5ºC
  • One application provides 300,000 nematodes for every square metre of soil
  • No unsightly residues – the majority of the slugs will die underground
  • Works quickly – the slugs stop feeding in 3 days and die in about a week
  • Continues to work well during wet weather
  • Can be used on edible crops
  • Children and pets can be allowed on the area immediately after treatment
  • Safe to use in pots and open soil

Important notes:

Storage: Nemaslug® Slug Killer is a perishable, living product, it should be stored in the fridge until it is needed (pop in the fridge as soon as possible, they are fine on the doormat while you are at work)

Use by date: Nemaslug® Slug Killer must be used before the expiry date (which is marked on the inside of the pack)

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Nemaslug® Slug Killer work?

The nematodes ((Phasmarhabditis Hermaphrodita), seek out the slugs and attack the pest by entering natural body openings. Once inside, they release bacteria that stops the pest from feeding, quickly killing the pest. The nematodes then reproduce inside the dead pest and release a new generation of hungry infective nematodes, which disperse and search for further prey. Maintaining moisture levels extends this reproductive period.

What is Nemaslug?

Nemaslug is a unique product, containing microscopic worms (nematodes) which seek out slugs and stop them feeding on your plants within 3 days and then kill them.

Why use Nemaslug?

Nemaslug is an effective alternative to chemicals. It is safe to use and harmless to children, pets, birds and wildlife.

How do I apply Nemaslug?

Nemaslug is applied very simply using a watering can with a coarse rose or hose-end feeder. (See our video guides or the pack for instructions). We recommend the Haws Rose no.14 as not all roses are suitable or a hose-end feeder.

When can I apply Nemaslug?

Nemaslug can be applied any time when slugs are present as long as the soil temperature is 5oC (40oF) (this is also when plants start to grow). Nematodes are capable of surviving the odd frost; so don’t worry if the temperature falls after you have applied Nemaslug. Metaldehyde based slug pellets are reported not to be effective below 7ºC.

Potatoes are susceptible to slug attack later in the season than most other plants. So you can delay applying Nemaslug till 6-7 weeks before harvest, when the tubers are most likely to be eaten by slugs. If you have a heavy clay area, ensure you apply Nemaslug to well worked soil. Nemaslug is less effective on cloggy clay soil, which has not been worked and/or has become waterlogged.

What will Nemaslug control?

Nemaslug will control all common species of small to medium sized slugs up to 8 cm (approx. 3 inches).

How long does Nemaslug work?

One application of Nemaslug will provide around six weeks control of slugs.

Are there any special precautions?

Only in regards to applying near ponds as Nemaslug might affect water snails. To avoid harming water snails keep the treatment 15cm (6 inches) away from ponds.

Can Nemaslug be used on clay soils?

Nemaslug can be used on clay soils that have been well worked with other organic materials. Do not use if the area you wish to treat is waterlogged or very heavy wet clay.

Are any special conditions required?

Nemaslug should be applied to moist soil. If applying in hot weather it is better to wait till later in the day when the soil won’t dry out so quickly and the nematodes will have a chance to migrate under the ground during the night.

What happens if the temperature falls after I have used Nemaslug?

The control may be a little slower. However, the nematodes are capable of surviving even the odd frost.

Will Nemaslug be washed out of the soil during prolonged wet weather?

Unlike some other slug control methods, Nemaslug continues to work well during wet weather – exactly when you need protection against slugs!

Is there any benefit from applying Nemaslug in the autumn?

If you apply Nemaslug in the early autumn you will reduce the number of slugs laying eggs and consequently reduce the new population emerging in the spring.

When is the best time to apply Nemaslug to protect my potatoes against slugs?

The best results are obtained by applying Nemaslug 6 to 7 weeks before harvest. This is when the tubers are most vulnerable to slug attack.

Can I water Nemaslug directly on to plants?

Nematodes live in the soil so, if you can, it is better to apply to the soil. However, if because of dense foliage this is impossible, after application wash them off into the soil with some extra water.

Can I eat produce that has been treated with Nemaslug?

Yes, just wash your fruit and vegetables in the normal way.

Can Nemaslug kill snails?

The nematode used in Nemaslug is a mollusc killer however, nematodes live under the soil and snails tend to stay on the surface, so they don’t come into contact very often. It does have a slight effect on small snails as they remain under the soil for longer.

Our office

32 Mowbray Gardens

West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 6JN

24 hours / 365 days

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00

Out of hours telephone service

Where we operate

We operate North and South of the River Trent and East towards Newark. Many of our customers are located in: West Bridgford, Radcliffe on Trent, Bingham, Cotgrave, Tollerton, Keyworth, Ruddington and North of the River: Beeston, Chilwell, Wollaton, Bramcote, Nottingham, Mapperley and Arnold.