Order Now for delivery w/c 7th April 2025
What the professional says:
“Use Nemasys® No Ants to deal with an ant infestation, without any of the precautions associated with chemical use. Apply when ant activity is visible on top of the lawn, which is typically April through to September. Apply to moist lawns when the soil temperature is above 10ºC (50ºF) and water them in well. Make sure the lawn does not dry out for at least two weeks after applying nematodes. The ants do not tolerate the nematodes near their nests and move their nests away from these areas.”
Reasons to choose Nemasys® No Ants?
- Chemical Free
- Children and pets can be allowed on the area immediately after treatment
- Use to deal with an ant infestation
- Can be applied when the ants are active
- Safe to use on turf , soil or container pots
- Effective on garden ants (Lasius niger, the common Black garden ant; Lasius flavius, the yellow meadow ant and Myrmica species, red ants)
Important notes:
Storage: Nemasys® No Ants is a perishable, living product, it should be stored in the fridge until it is needed (pop in the fridge as soon as possible, they are fine on the doormat while you are at work)
Use by date: Nemasys® No Ants must be used before the expiry date (which is marked on the inside of the pack)
Nemasys® No Ants Frequently Asked Questions
What is Nemasys® No Ants?
Nemasys® No Ants is a product contains nematodes. These microscopic worms are natural predators of ants. The ants do not tolerate the nematodes near their nests and move away from these areas. Ants are not killed by Nemasys® ® No Ants, but leave the area that has been treated.
Why use Nemasys® No Ants?
Nemasys® No Ants is safe to use on turf or soil without any of the precautions associated with chemical use. Children and pets can be allowed on the area immediately after treatment.
When do I apply Nemasys® No Ants?
When there are signs of ant activity, apply Nemasys® No Ants directly on to the nests.
How do I apply Nemasys® No Ants?
Nemasys® products are easy to use. Simply mix the harmless powder with water & apply to the soil around the plant using a WATERING CAN fitted with a rose.
How effective are Nemasys® No Ants on UK gardens Ants?
There are about 50 species of ants living in the United Kingdom, but not all are native. The ones that are a problem to gardeners are Lasius niger, the common Black garden ant; Lasius flavius, the yellow meadow ant and Myrmica species, red ants
Are any special conditions required to use Nemasys® No Ants?
Nemasys® No Ants should be applied to moist turf or soil. If applying in hot weather it is better to wait till later in the day when the ground won’t dry out so quickly. Water well after application and keep well watered for at least two weeks.
How far away will ants move their nests?
This is very difficult to determine as it is dependent upon many factors such as soil structure, moisture content and weather conditions. However, it is usually far enough to solve the problem in the area targeted.