we don't do hidden extras! all prices include VAT
Our price includes our time, materials and VAT - we don't do hidden extras!
The cost of achieving and maintaining the density, colour and texture associated with beautiful lawn is less than you might expect. In fact, our expert service costs less than doing it yourself!
And the good news is... no more failed attempts at improving your lawn; backaches or half empty containers!
Our pricing is based upon the area to be treated - as the size increases, economies of scale enable us to provide lower costs per square metre. To ensure accuracy and consistency we complete this task using specialist lawn care software.
We treat lawns, drives and gardens of all sizes, our clients properties range from terraced houses to large country houses. We are committed to providing a high-quality service. We will always assess and share the options available to minimise overall costs of developing and maintaining your lawn and garden.
Step closer to a greener weed free lawn
Get In Touch!
0115 837 8439
Expert lawncare with experienced personnel
Nottingham Most Reviewed lawn care
BASIS Lawn Assured
Experienced lawn care
Hard surfaces - Drives and Patios
Call for an online quote