Grass shoots continue to grow when soil temperatures are above 5c, root development will continue until soil temperatures drop below 1c. So when we enjoy temperatures above this your grass will grow, albeit at a slower rate.
So keeping to a regular cutting routine will not only keep the lawn looking good, you will also make another important job easier by using your mower to collect fallen leaves.
Giving the lawn a light trim will make the grass look more even, improve your lawns kerb appeal and make a great difference to your lawns health next spring.
Why autumn leaf collection?
- Avoids smothering and killing your grass
- Reduces worm casting by removing food source
- Reduces bare soil for weed and moss invasion
We can’t stress enough the importance of leaf collection to avoid smothering and killing your grass.

Removing leaves regularly will help avoid damage. Leaving the leaves on the lawn until they’ve finally all fallen from the trees may seem like a good way to deal with the problem, but it isn’t.
The longer leaves lay around, the thicker they accumulate, the greater the damage that will occur to your grass.
Worm Casts
High autumn rainfall has seen an increase in worm activity. Worm casts play havoc, making lawns look messy and ultimately encourage weeds and weed grasses. A wire rake is good for removing casts, alternatively use a stiff broom.
The shorter days and lower temperatures slows down grass growth, meaning that the lawn will need mowing less frequently. It is also a good idea to raise the height of cut as winter approaches.
If finding a dry day to cut the lawn is a problem drag, the reverse side of a brush over the lawn, wait 30 minutes or so and then the lawn should be dry enough to cut.
Remember a great looking lawn next spring starts now!
Patch Repair
Follow our patch repair guide.
Repairing now will mean you’re one step ahead for spring, although seed germination will be slower over the winter period.