Heatwave and your grass

We are certainly enjoying some warm summer weather, however, with little rain on the horizon the combination of high temperatures and low rainfall will prove a stressful time for your lawn.

What can be done?

Definitely, raise the cut height to maximum, this will help with cooling the soil surface and reduce leaf stress.

If you decide to water, we suggest watering well and consistently throughout this period and beyond.

If you decide not to water, that isn’t a problem, the grass will do what it does naturally and go into drought dormancy, it will soon recover when adequate rain fall returns.

For more information see our web site Watering Advice.

This is also the weather conditions that favour summer lawn diseases, such as Red Thread.

What is Red Thread?

Red Thread is often seen on lawns in the UK from mid summer, it loves this warm humid weather. It is often seen on fine fescue lawns, but can develop on all lawn types. It is a fairly minor disease that in most cases does relatively little damage, but can spoil a well-kept lawns appearance. It is spread by spores within the air.

What treatments can be used?

On many occasions an application of fertiliser is more than sufficient to promote lawn growth, affected grasses would then be removed by cutting. The feed will also strengthen the plant, enabling it to “outgrow” the disease. We can also apply a fungicide treatment.

If you want to treat yourself, we would suggest using a product called Bayer Lawn Disease control* is applied, if necessary. (Manufacturers web site Bayer Lawn Disease Control) Notes: Use as directed and always read and follow the manufactures instructions before use.

Please remember that, similar to taking antibiotics, after you have applied a fungicide, it doesn’t guarantee you never get the symptoms again.

Pest Control

If your lawn has been affected in the past by Chafer Grub or Leather Jacket, then now is a good time to pre order your nematodes for application in August, September or October.

These natural predators will, with frequent use, help with eradication and are currently the only control method available.

In the meantime, enjoy the sunshine.

Our office

32 Mowbray Gardens

West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 6JN

24 hours / 365 days

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00

Out of hours telephone service

Where we operate

We operate North and South of the River Trent and East towards Newark. Many of our customers are located in: West Bridgford, Radcliffe on Trent, Bingham, Cotgrave, Tollerton, Keyworth, Ruddington and North of the River: Beeston, Chilwell, Wollaton, Bramcote, Nottingham, Mapperley and Arnold.