Snow isn’t really a major problem for lawns, normally it doesn’t last long in Nottingham, but a fungal disease called snow mould (fusarium) can occur once the snow melts. This normally forms where there has been a thicker amount of snow, example snow man has sat or where you’ve cleared paths onto the lawn.
What can I do?
- Try to break down the thicker snow areas less as it starts to melt
- When clearing paths and drives, avoid piling the snow onto the lawn
- Keep an eye out for early stages of the disease Fusarium.

Don’t walk on when there is a ground frost (ground is hard with frost) this will break the grass plant at ground level and kill it, air frosts is where the grass blade only is frosty, walking on the lawn may not kill it, but the damage in the plants cells will cause black marks where its been walked on.
If you have already had your spring treatment, then worry not. The treatments strengthens the cell structure within the grass plant, making it more hardy and resilient toward diseases.
Remember when snow melts, it turns to water, try and keep traffic to a minimum as this can cause compaction and puddling on our clay soils, repeated applications with Soil Improver will help with this.